Friday, February 24, 2012

February 20-24- No makeup Challenge

No I haven't fallen off the wagon! I am still doing it!!! I have had sick little girls this week and this is the first chance I have gotten to give you an update. I am actually starting to like the way I look and somewhat haven't cared what others have thought. I know surprising. My husband has been such an encouragement through this challenge and he has told me how beautiful I look! I really like the reaction I am getting from my hubby. God is showing me alot through this. God has also given me alot of opportunities to tell Annie-Sarah that we are beautiful the way we are. She is a lip gloss fanatic, I am not joking, if I allowed she would use 6 tubes of lip gloss a day. Okay maybe not 6, but probably at least 1 tube a day! lol She has been dying to put lip gloss on me and I have had the opportunity to explain to her about my fast and she really seems to understand. She is such a smart little girl.I am so thankful that God has called me to do this because He is showing me that I was beautifully made by Him and He is also using me to show my little girls that they were beautifully made by Him as well. I can do this and intend to follow through with this with the strength that only can come from God.

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