Financial Checkup

Financial Check-Up for March!!!

 12 Money Saving Goals for 2012

Will be done this week!!! I will let you know how I like it.

This turned out great!!! It cleans better than the store bought stuff!!!

I am making my second around of this fabric softener this week, I am using a different scent this time. I want to change this up a bit.

I made 80 servings of baby food this month and Katie-Beth loves it!!! Made all the 80 serves for $20. I saved a total of $28 by making it myself.

       As you can see, she likes it!!!

I made this, but I didn’t like the texture. I am going to give it another try

I cut our grocery bill by about $200 this month!!!

I have started writing the Bible portion of the K3 cirriculum

I am changing the name of this one to buying everything at thrift stores. I have fallen in love with the concept of buying everything (except shoes and swim wear and things like that) thrift stores. This month I have purchased all clothing at Good Will, salvation Army, Rhea Lana(consignment), or Simon Says(consignment).

11. Only eat out 2x a month or less!
12. Take an inexpensive vacation
If I can accomplish these goals we have the potential of saving about $3500 a year!!!! That is motivation enough!!!!

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