Thursday, February 16, 2012

31 Day Challenge

THE hardest challenge that I have ever been presented with was given to me today!!!! Today I was looking through this great resource that our church provides to us, it is a Christian magazine called, Homelife. I was flipping through trying to find a good article to read and came across, “A month without makeup.” When I first read the title of the article I thought to myself, “There is absolutely no way that I could do that!” Well, I should know better than to say something like that because God hears everything and then He challenged me! After I felt that little tugging on my heart I read this sentence in the article that pretty much jumped off the page and slapped me right in the face, “God is interested in our hearts; not our ability to put on a perfect face for Him.” Come on God, really, makeup!!!! I love my makeup!!!! “ Just think about its name-makeup…when you put it on, what are you trying to ‘make up’ for?”

After reading this article I realized that I rely on my makeup too much. I feel like I am a completely different person when I do not have it on. I RELY on it for my confidence, I RELY on it for people to accept me, I RELY on it!!!! Where is my reliance supposed to be? God, who made me perfect! Psalm 139:12 says, “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully made; wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well.” I am not saying that there is anything wrong with makeup, I am saying that there is something wrong when we RELY on it!!! I need to take this challenge, but I am super scared. Like the article in the magazine said I am afraid of 4 things during this fast from makeup:

1. People will react negatively to me and/or ignore me if I’m not wearing make up.

2. Parents of my students will not listen to what I have to say because I don’t look like someone that is well put together.

3. People won’t want to work with me on a professional level because they are disappointed that I’m not better looking.

4. People (particularly women) will think they’re better than me because I don’t look as good as they do.

I would love for more ladies to do this with me! I need the accountability and support! I am a mother of two beautiful girls and I want to be able to teach them by example that they should be happy with the way God made them!

Your prayers and support would be greatly appreciated!

I am going to try to post a picture everyday for 31 days!

Ladies when should I start?

In Christ,


1 comment:

  1. Dawn....I've seen you without're still beautiful. :)
    I read that article too. I think you should start the first day of March. That way you can do it for the whole month of March.

    Hope you guys are doing well. Would love to see more pics of your cute girls.
