Monday, October 11, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We took Annie-Sarah to the pumpkin patch on October 2, 2010. This was Annie-Sarah's second time going to the pumpkin patch! She has grown so much since last year! She has alot of fun and cried when we had to leave.

Monday, August 23, 2010

School started today!!!

Today school started for Daniel and I!!! It does not seem like it is time for it to start, but ready or not here it is. This is my senior year at Liberty University and I am super excited about graduating!! We are planning I traveling to Virginia in May for graduation and then after graduation we are going to go to Washington D.C. for a couple of days. The only problem is that I feel like I am never going to make it to graduation. I feel like I am working towards a goal that I am never going to achieve. It is taking me 5 years to get a 4 year degree, but hey at least I am getting it. Daniel is in his second semester of his master's degree and he is doing great! He is very much looking forward to graduation and it looks like he will graduating in December 2011.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our mini vacation to Hot Springs and visit to the zoo!!

Daniel and I just celebrated our 4th anniversary!!!! I is really hard to believe that we have been married 4 years already!!! Well to celebrate we went on a mini vacation to Hot Springs, AR. A wonderful church member allowed us to stay at their lake house and we can't thank them enough for that! We left after church on Wednesday August 4 and came back on Saturday August 7. On Thursday we walked around down town because Hot Springs has a beautiful down town and a lot of really cool shops. That night Daniel cooked an amazing meal: Steaks, sweet potatoes, and salad. I got to enjoy my meal, but I think Annie-Sarah enjoyed it more when she climbed over in my lap and ate my food(I didn't mind at all). Friday we go up went to the zoo, but first we went to Chick-fil-a and Starbucks. We had a little surprise a Starbucks, we were standing there ordering and then Daniel and I feel something wet all over our feet. We just thought that we dropped her cup, but unfortunately she had gotten sick. She was a real trooper, she didn't cry. We had a wonderful time at the zoo. Annie-Sarah learned how to say a lot of new words. Her favorite animal at the zoo was the giraffe. Saturday we got up and had a relaxing morning and then came home.

Monday, July 12, 2010

We took the pacifier away!!!

The pacifier has bit the dust!!!! Annie-Sarah has 16 teeth now, so we thought it was a good time to take it away. The pacifier left our lives on June 28. She has taken her loss well. The first week was really rough because we traveled quit a bit. The next goal in our life as parents is for her to starting sleeping in her "big girl" bed.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Annie-Sarah has the chicken pox!!

This has been a very interesting week in the Clements' house, Annie-Sarah has the chicken pox!!!!! She started running a fever of 101 on Sunday night and then she acted normal on Monday, but Tuesday morning she woke up with a rash and it steadily got worse throughout the day. Wednesday she woke up and she had a red rash all over. She had the chicken pox shot at 12 months, but they still have the chance to get them, but she does not have a bad case of them. She is actually in a pretty good mood, but very sleepy and gets irritable when I don't give her medicine regularly. The hardest thing about her being sick is that she has wanted to go outside and play because she has been looking out the window and seeing other kids outside playing. Daniel is at Centrifuge this week and she already missed her daddy, but being sick makes her miss him even more. I am very thankful that God has blessed me with such a wonderful church family that has called and checked on us.

Our First Family Vacation!

Vacations are always something that Daniel and I look forward to. Before moving to Arkansas Daniel worked two jobs and went to school full time which did not leave much time for vacationing. We did manage to take a cruise for our first anniversary, but sense then we were unable to go on vacation for almost three years. That was until June 3 when we took a short trip to Lake DeGray in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Arkadelphia is about an hour and a half from where we live. We decided that instead of paying a lot of money to stay in a hotel we would be adventurous and stay in a tent. I have to say that it was one of the best experiences that we have ever had! Annie-Sarah had a blast!!!!! She took naps when she was suppose to and went to sleep at night like she was suppose to. She was great!! The only thing that we really had to convince her to do was to get in the water. Last year she loved the water, but this year it has taken some convincing to get her to play in any amount of water(including the kiddie pool in the back yard.) Annie-Sarah did meet a friend on the trip, it was a frog and she decided to name the frog "Becky" after her Aunt Becky. I have to say this was the best vacation ever because having a little one makes you look at activities in a whole new way.