Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our First Family Vacation!

Vacations are always something that Daniel and I look forward to. Before moving to Arkansas Daniel worked two jobs and went to school full time which did not leave much time for vacationing. We did manage to take a cruise for our first anniversary, but sense then we were unable to go on vacation for almost three years. That was until June 3 when we took a short trip to Lake DeGray in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Arkadelphia is about an hour and a half from where we live. We decided that instead of paying a lot of money to stay in a hotel we would be adventurous and stay in a tent. I have to say that it was one of the best experiences that we have ever had! Annie-Sarah had a blast!!!!! She took naps when she was suppose to and went to sleep at night like she was suppose to. She was great!! The only thing that we really had to convince her to do was to get in the water. Last year she loved the water, but this year it has taken some convincing to get her to play in any amount of water(including the kiddie pool in the back yard.) Annie-Sarah did meet a friend on the trip, it was a frog and she decided to name the frog "Becky" after her Aunt Becky. I have to say this was the best vacation ever because having a little one makes you look at activities in a whole new way.

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