Thursday, June 17, 2010

Annie-Sarah has the chicken pox!!

This has been a very interesting week in the Clements' house, Annie-Sarah has the chicken pox!!!!! She started running a fever of 101 on Sunday night and then she acted normal on Monday, but Tuesday morning she woke up with a rash and it steadily got worse throughout the day. Wednesday she woke up and she had a red rash all over. She had the chicken pox shot at 12 months, but they still have the chance to get them, but she does not have a bad case of them. She is actually in a pretty good mood, but very sleepy and gets irritable when I don't give her medicine regularly. The hardest thing about her being sick is that she has wanted to go outside and play because she has been looking out the window and seeing other kids outside playing. Daniel is at Centrifuge this week and she already missed her daddy, but being sick makes her miss him even more. I am very thankful that God has blessed me with such a wonderful church family that has called and checked on us.

1 comment:

  1. What a great week for Daniel to be gone...I hope she feels better soon! She looks like you in this picture.
