Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our mini vacation to Hot Springs and visit to the zoo!!

Daniel and I just celebrated our 4th anniversary!!!! I is really hard to believe that we have been married 4 years already!!! Well to celebrate we went on a mini vacation to Hot Springs, AR. A wonderful church member allowed us to stay at their lake house and we can't thank them enough for that! We left after church on Wednesday August 4 and came back on Saturday August 7. On Thursday we walked around down town because Hot Springs has a beautiful down town and a lot of really cool shops. That night Daniel cooked an amazing meal: Steaks, sweet potatoes, and salad. I got to enjoy my meal, but I think Annie-Sarah enjoyed it more when she climbed over in my lap and ate my food(I didn't mind at all). Friday we go up went to the zoo, but first we went to Chick-fil-a and Starbucks. We had a little surprise a Starbucks, we were standing there ordering and then Daniel and I feel something wet all over our feet. We just thought that we dropped her cup, but unfortunately she had gotten sick. She was a real trooper, she didn't cry. We had a wonderful time at the zoo. Annie-Sarah learned how to say a lot of new words. Her favorite animal at the zoo was the giraffe. Saturday we got up and had a relaxing morning and then came home.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for spreading the word about Hot Springs. Come see us again soon!
